5 Day Raw Paleo Group Cleanse Results


The raw paleo group cleanse was a success!  Cleansing is not always the easiest thing to do but it’s fun doing it with a group. We posted pictures of our meals and people asked me questions in the private facebook group. I also checked in each morning with the group in a daily email.

Here’s what some had to say-

“I feel great! Five days is perfect. I lost a few pounds, my mental clarity is sharp, and my energy is good. Thank you for conducting this cleanse.  It’s been a helpful and learning experience.”  -ArchieWelch

“The five days went so fast! I’m  now super excited about raw food again and determined to keep it up. I will keep going. THANK YOU!”  – Debbie

“I’m grateful I had the courage to give this a go!  It really was awesome, I loved everything I tried.  Thank you!!”        – Susan Quirk

For me personally, I feel more energetic and nourished. I often get stuck with food ideas and feel as if I always eat the same thing. These recipes brought in great diversity for the five days.  Which means all new vitamins and nutrients from the food. I lost a few pounds as well.  I feel like I’m back in my body after pregnancy. Everything gets easier such as hiking, stairs, holding a baby, and just plain feeling more confident as I lose the 44 pounds I gained.

I did get hungry and had to remind myself that being hungry isn’t a bad thing.  I love being aware of what comes up around food. How much I need for nutrition?  How much is snacking?  How much I eat for comfort?

The cleanse was called raw paleo because the paleo part was an optional raw meat meal or raw eggs on the menu.  For the most part it was raw vegan though. If you know me, you know I’m all for meat and raw dairy as daily food intake.  But this was a refreshing break with easy to digest blended raw veggie soups, detox teas, and raw food dishes.

I’ve grown to become more relaxed when it comes to the food part of health these days.  Meaning I’m eating some cooked food such as wild game, organic basmati white rice and the occasional sour dough bread.

So the cleanse was perfect, it was five days dedicated to the raw food aspect of health.

Once I got the food part down I now feel a deep connection to nature, breathing, grounding, community, and being realistic.  Don’t worry I’m not eating twinkies.. Do they even make those anymore?

What did I break the cleans with?!

Most health practitioners probably wouldn’t suggest this but I felt it was so rewarding. I broke my cleanse with my favorite recipe of the Raw Paleo Chocolate Pudding.

1/2 pound raw butter (softened)

4 raw pastured eggs

1/2 cup raw cacao powder

2 tablespoons raw honey

Blend in Vitamix until smooth.



I will be putting on another 5 day raw paleo group cleanse in March.  I hope you join us!

Until then stay healthy and connected to nature,
