New DIY Raw Paleo Cleanse!

“Melissa’s Raw Paleo 3 day cleanse is fantastic for a couple of reasons. 1) It’s so nourishing and satisfying. I wasn’t hungry at all. The raw milk protein shake was amazing – I wish I could have it everyday for dinner. 2) 3 days is such an accessible goal for EVERYONE; in fact, I’m looking forward to doing the cleanse again and building up to 5 days and possibly 10. I did in Monday through Wednesday which is a great way to start the week and detoxify from the weekend indulgences.  3) Amazingly, in those three days, I felt stronger, my mind got more clear, I slept better, I was able to do equal if not more exercise than I normally do, and I felt so lean and definitely less bloated. I’m sure I lost weight though I didn’t weigh myself.
I’ve tried other cleanses but was unsatisfied the whole time, I felt weak and my internal organs felt like they were being assaulted. Melissa’s cleanse is the best. I highly recommend it.”  Thank you -Suzanne

DIY Raw Paleo Cleanse

Cleanse-build-nourish at the same time!


This is the first time mixing a raw vegan juice cleanse with raw paleo shakes and raw diary kefir.  This cleanse is designed to cleanse, nourish, and build at the same time.  Raw fats deeply cleanse as they help to dissolve and dislodge old stored toxins in the body.  These old toxins bind to the raw animal fat and get carried to the bowels and eliminated.  The raw milk and raw eggs in the raw milk protein shake nourish the brain and nervous system while gently cleansing the liver.  Raw proteins build and repair tissues.  Green juice provides you with many minerals and alkalizing benefits.   Starting your day with raw kefir gives your gut a healthy boost of beneficial bacteria and builds your immune system.

This is 3 days of cleansing and nourishing liquids that are deeply satisfying and delicious.  You will be drinking raw kefir in the morning, superfood green juice, a raw milk protein shake mid-day, and a raw milk protein shake for dinner.  Enjoy!

With toxins coming in daily through environment pollution, food chemicals, household chemicals, toxic skin products and shampoos, and pesticides its important to cleanse and keep up maintenance on your body.  This cleanse gives your body a break from overworking your digestive system.  Kickstart your healthy habits with the raw paleo-primal cleanse.

Why  Raw Fats on a cleanse?

Raw animal fats are essential for the body and are possibly the most important of the three macronutrients (Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates).  Fats cleanse, heal, and energize.  They also deeply satisfy.

Fats lubricate the joints, dissolve built-up plague, and provide steady fuel for our bodies.  Most importantly raw fats feed the two organs that are staving in the modern world: the brain and nervous system.  Raw saturated fats provide integrity to the cell wall, protect the liver, enhance the immune system, and give you strong bones.

When you consume sufficient amounts of raw fats you may notice that you’re able to go for hours without any cravings.  This happens for two reasons: your nutrient requirements have been met and your blood sugar is stable.  Eating raw fats is like giving your body an “oil change” because as the new healthy fats are eaten the old unhealthy fats are released.  Your car runs more smoothly and efficiently after an oil change and so will you.

What’s Included in Do IT Yourself Cleanse Book?

How to prepare for the cleanse.

Cleansing instructions.

Cleansing recipes.

Post cleansing instructions.

Cleansing tips.

Email support.

Health benefits-

Improve quality of sleep.

Detox your liver.

Flood your body with fat soluble vitamins A, D, and K, minerals, and probiotics for strong bones and teeth.

Build your immune system.

Repair and build tissues with raw proteins in the raw milk.

Alkalize your body with green juice.

Pull out heavy metals and toxins with the superfood green juice (chlorella & clay).

Using less energy to digest food for 3 days allows for cleansing and healing to take place.

Balance hormones with the raw fats.

Feel lighter, stable, clear, and satiated.


DIY Cleanse Regular Price $101.00

On sale now for $47.00


If you’re local to LA I will personally deliver the 3 day cleanse to you for $197.  Please email me at 


Your Friend,

Melissa Henig