Clear & Plump Skin Formula
This formula supports detox pathways by helping clean up the liver and blood and is known to help with acne, rashes, scalp irritations, and even constipation. The herbs in this formula stimulate the liver and bile flow, cleanse the blood, ease inflammation, and build collagen.
*Stinging Nettles are highly anti-inflammatory, blood-building, and ease allergies. It also contains minerals and silica for healthy hair, skin, and nails.
*Burdock root is traditionally taken for any skin issue as it helps to clean the liver and blood and remove accumulated waste.
*Oregon grape root is a bitter, which helps the liver and digestive system work and eliminate at full capacity. The foundation of clear skin is a good working digestive system.
*Gotu Kola helps to increase collagen production in the skin. A loss of collagen happens from age 20 on, and it's what causes wrinkles. Gotu Kola also increases blood flow and the integrity of connective tissues.
*Licorice root helps to clean the liver, moisturize, and support adrenals.
Volume: 2 OZ
Ingredients: Wildcrafted Oregon Grape Root, Burdock Root, Stinging Nettle, Gotu Kola, Licorice Root, 50% Cane Alcohol, Organic Coconut Glycerin
Usage: Take 5-25 drops 3 x a day straight into your mouth or in water.
The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.