Relaxed & Happy Formula
I feel the world today or maybe just the USA has a low vibration of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. There is so much stimulus and information to constantly process, the 9-5 rat race, nuclear family life (doing it all), pollution, toxins, fear, you name it- there are constant stressors on the mind and body.
Even though I find free medicine in nature, deep breathing, dancing, and walking- I could still use some support from our trusted herbal plant friends.
Restore balance and peace with this formula. It's an adaptogen, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, anti-viral, immunity, feel feel-good herbal remedy.
Homegrown organic lemon balm uplifts the moods and calms the body. It's also known as an anti-viral with immune support.
Homegrown organic tulsi/holy basil uplifts the spirit, calms the mind, and restores balance. It also supports immunity and helps protect against emf exposure.
Organic Skullcap is a calming herb that soothes the mind and body. It helps ease anxiety and stressful moments.
Organic Passionflower calms the nervous system and stops the looping thoughts and mind chatter.
This is also awesome for dark winters, dark times, insomnia, nerve pain, and discomfort during the cold and flu, and adhd symptoms.
Volume: 1 or 2 oz
Ingredients: Fresh Organic Lemon Balm, Fresh Organic Tulsi/Holy Basil, Fresh Organic Passion Flower, Fresh Organic Skullcap, Fresh Wild Vervain, Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Coconut Glycerin
Usage: Take 1-2 droppers twice a day or as needed. My son takes it as well. (half the dose)
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.