Arizona Hunting Retreat
Do you want to secure the highest quality wild meat for you and your family?
Have you always wanted to hunt but need help getting started?
Would you love to learn how to butcher your own animals from start to finish?
Is it important for you to hunt in an ethical, conscious and spiritual way?
Hunting for us is a way of life. This ancient practice connects us with nature and the land in the most meaningful way. There is nothing more humbling and inspiring than walking up to your first animal after a successful hunt. You’re filled with gratitude as you anticipate the joyous and healthy meals you will soon share with friends and family.
Let’s face it though - learning to hunt can be a daunting process. You might be asking:
Where is the best place to hunt?
What animals should I hunt?
Should I use a rifle or bow?
How do I demystify the complicated regulations and laws?
How do I process an animal after a successful kill?
Learning to hunt can be so complex that many people never even get started. There is simply too much to figure out and it’s even more difficult if you have no one to teach you. The sacred hunt remains a dream and is never materialzed.
If you have never hunted before you are in the right place!
If you have already started on the journey but are feeling stuck this is for you.
You can do this! It is within your reach and will provide you with meaning, adventure, food and connection beyond your wildest dreams. You just need someone who has walked the path before to guide you.
Join us in the Arizona desert October 28th, 29th, 30th for the Hunting & Animal Processing Retreat.
During this 3 Day Event you’ll learn:

What To Hunt, Where To Hunt and Regulations
State laws, licenses and regulations can be complicated. Figuring out where to hunt can be overwhelming. You’ll learn how to understand the laws in your state, licensing, seasons, bag limits and locations. You’ll learn how to find the ideal places that have the best chance of finding lots of animals and few hunters. We’ll help you discover the best animals to start hunting now and others you will aspire to hunt later as your skills progress.

Ethics, Conscious Hunting & Spirituality
For us hunting is much more than a sport - it’s a way of life that provides us with food, connection and meaning. We feel it’s important to honor the animals and land with reverence and gratitude. You’ll learn simple ways to make offerings, pray and rejoice in the magic of spirit before, during and after your hunt. You’ll learn to hunt ethically and morally to ensure hunting will survive and be passed to future generations.

Animal Processing, Cooking & Meat Preservation
Once the trigger is pulled - the real work begins! Getting an animal on the ground is only half the journey. You must skillfully process the catch to ensure the meat will be good to eat tomorrow and months in the future. We will slaughter a goat or sheep together, field dress, butcher, preserve and package the meat. You’ll learn how to process an animal in the field with nothing more than a multi tool that fits in a pocket. Nothing goes to waste and we’ll share several meals of delicious meat processed with your own hands! We’ll also cover grinding, packaging and freezing meat for long term storage.

Weapon Selection, Firearm Safety & Shooting Skills
Choosing the right tool for your hunt is an important decision. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of firearms, archery, crossbows, etc so you can make the right choice for your goals. We’ve found using a hunting rifle makes for the easiest entry into hunting so we’ll be focusing on firearms and how to use them. You’ll learn about the different types of rifles, calibers and safety. We’ll then travel to a gun range together for some real life target practice and skill training! If you want to become a bowhunter we’ll give you the rundown on archery hunting as well.
Gear, Clothing and Preparation
It’s important to have the right gear for hunting but you’ll need to buy a lot less than you might think. We’ll cover the core components of a practical hunting kit and what to wear out in the field. In a world of commerce where you’re constantly being marketed to, we’ll cut through the clutter and show you what you really need for success. We’ll also cover the gear you need to stay warm, dry, safe and prepared in the wild.

Field Day - Awareness, Tracking, Stalking and Hunting
On the final day we’ll put it all together with an adventure into the woods. You’ll practice moving through the landscape with stealth. You’ll activate all your senses and hone your skills of awareness. You’ll look for sign, study tracks and discover the clues that help you find animals in the wild. There is also the option to participate in a real time squirrel hunt if conditions allow.

Location, Meals and Accommodations
The event will be hosted at our 6 acre property in Cottonwood AZ just outside of Sedona. The land is enchanting and borders national forest on three sides so there is ample space for the mind, body and soul to wander. You’ll have the option to stay in a tent with air mattress (provided), bring your own camping gear, or sleep on a futon under a covered porch. An outdoor heated shower is provided as well as a port-a-potty bathroom.
We will provide a light breakfast and dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Guests are responsible for their own snacks and lunch.

Important - Is This Right For You?
This will be a remarkable weekend to remember but here are some important points to consider before registering:
Space Is Limited - Register Now!
We are limiting participation to a very small group of 8 people.This is an intimate event and we want to be sure everyone has the chance to actually get hands on with every step of the process.
Yes you will actually be the one who does the skinning, butchering, shooting and stalking in real time! We want to make sure you integrate the experience and walk away with the skills to last a lifetime.
Are You Ready For The Adventure of a Lifetime?
Choosing to dedicate our lives to hunting has been one of the most rewarding decisions of our lives.There is nothing more meaningful than integrating yourself into the web of life in such a potent and powerful way. It’s an ancient way that’s woven deep into our beings, yet so few have the chance to experience in the modern world.
Time spent pursuing animals, communing with nature and connecting with loved ones in the field are some of the most meaningful moments available to us.
YES - You can learn to hunt no matter who you are, where you live or what experience you have or don’t have.
YES - You can secure the highest quality wild meat for yourself and your loved ones.
YES - You can gain the confidence and skill to field dress, butcher and process your own animals at home or in the woods.
Don’t Wait Another Year To Start Hunting!
***Deadline To Register is September 20***
You don’t have to go it alone. We’ve taken over a decade of hard won knowledge and distilled it down into three unforgettable days to get you out there on the hunt. Due to planning and logistical requirements - we must end registration on September 20.
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL BONUS - First Party To Sign Up Gets The Organic Camper!
We're offering the first party to sign up a special deal - stay in our non-toxic luxury Lance Travel Trailer during the event. Equipped with heat, kitchen and private bathroom. Experience the learn to hunt adventure in total comfort. : )
The camper comes with a queen bed, table that converts into a full bed so it can sleep four people easily. If you're the winner we'll let you know asap.
Click The Button Below and Reserve Your Spot
October 28, 29, 30 - 2022 Cottonwood Arizona
Registration Deadline September 20th.

Investment: $897
One Time Payment - includes retreat, camping, breakfast / dinnerShopPay Installment Plan available at checkout.